Tuesday 13 September 2011

Travels with the Wolf-Part Two-

Impossible at this point to overlook the gradual transformation of the figure of the wolf in an awesome, sometimes disturbing, however, tied to a violent action (the warrior, in fact). Of otherwise similar transformation also occurs at the Monte High School, in Arcadia, from which you were making rites of cannibalism in honor of the animal.

Here is the same Jupiter to "intervene" and condemn the same Lycaon (spiritual leader of the cult) to damnation, electric shock, the royal palace and the king himself transforming into a wolf. Even then the figure from ancient wolfish connotations clearly threatening and abhorrent, where the kingdom of the dead is guarded by Cerberus (three headed wolf) and Hades, ruler of the underworld, wearing a wolf skin, which gives him invisibility.

Even the king of the underworld with the Etruscans (Ajita) wears the same leather and, among the Celts, the wolf is carnivorous and the funeral is sitting on the rear is in the act of devouring a man. The cultural evolution makes it inconvenient and dangerous to the old image wolfish which were making propitiatory sacrifices, transforming, little by little, in gestures of exorcism: Please do not intercede more because the large predators, but because it is far away. And even the Shaman, who assumes the spirit of the tribe, it becomes loathsome creature, laying the foundations for the future witch cults devoted to hell. Certainly the invasions of northern peoples with their wolf-warriors helped to strengthen and consolidate the relationship between the pagan traditions scaimaniche-and the devil of the new Christian cult, devil that the Catholic Church fought bloody campaigns of evangelization in the bosom of those populations Norse who represented him well. So the figure dell'ulfhednar loses the aura of horror to take on the sacred character of the new curse of evil, thus entering in full in cases of witchcraft.

In Eastern century the figure of the Man-Wolf was inexorably linked with that of the sorcerer's slave of the devil; it comes to dish lower the myth of the wolf: Spirit turned to protect and guide of souls to summon demon that Satan's plaything or to satisfy the thirst for blood because the animal camouflage. It will be in this status, which gave rise to the sacred beast, which will come to life the countless legends, stories and fairy tales related to Werewolf and its transmutations in the nights of full moon. So much for the figure of the werewolf of the Inquisition has its peak in Europe between four hundred and six hundred, in fact, in recent years have witnessed a veritable epidemic of lycanthropy which are attributed all the characteristics and symptoms to help ' identification and extermination of the Satanic race.

Becomes a werewolf who is born during major Christian holidays (because its a sacred time has come to view a desecration), but also to sleep in the face uncovered beneath the moon will not give you a chance to change. More often becomes Werewolves direct intercession of the Devil, which thus gives rise to a handful of slaves for the Sabbath, choosing, of course, between people from the conduct reprehensible. And then the person susceptible to transformation was recognized by some distinctive features: unusually hairy body, bloodshot eyes, teeth feral temper and behavior. And we could go for a lot with the popular myths and legends created by ignorance and cunning inquisitorial arm. After centuries of continuous persecution, the wolf now barely survives in a few protected areas, constantly monitored against the stupidity and wickedness of the human soul.

A wolf in recent years seems to increase its number of fatigue specimens, almost wanting to demonstrate that, despite the terrible cruelty and the image assigned to it, he still is. Ready to resume the role he deserves: companion, guide, friend and aide brave. In the forests will be back bright eyes of wolves and their howling welcome the brightest full moons than ever ... ready, once again, to guide us in a way in which we continue to behave as guests rather than as a disinterested devoted children.
[Of the Helvarr Bibrax.]

Tacitus surface level [Germany]
Church Isnardi G. [Stories and legends of the North]
Darts M. [Writings of the history of Germanic law]
Sighinolfi C. [The wolf in Eastern archaic warrior]
Pilo G. S. Fusco [Stories of werewolves]
Chevallier - Ghurbrant [Dictionary of Symbols]
Burchard of Worms [Decretals]
Kprappe S.H. [The genesis des mythes]
Olaus Magnus [Ristora de gentibus sptentrionalibus]
Gudmund [Odd saga of the arrow]
Ovid's [Metamorphoses]


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