Thursday, 15 September 2011

The belief

keep silent; 
these are the four rules of the Magician. 
To risk, we need to know. 
By the will, We must risk. 
We must have the will, to possess the empire. 
To prevail, we must be silent. " 

Learn more: We must clear the mind and clear it from the confusion, the unnecessary waste and notions obsolete. Only then can we open it to accept the gifts of knowledge and truth-the gifts of the Ancients-ahead. 

To risk: We must have the courage to overcome our own ignorance and outdated ideas. Only then will we gain the strength to walk the path Wiccans. Will: Without the will of our magic is bound to fail. Because our efforts are successful, we want to do: establish a goal to become one with it.

Be quiet: This is twofold. First, we must acquire the quality of inner stillness and peace, and cultivate it within ourselves. Only then we can learn from the messages of the gods or to hear the inner voice. The second aspect is more practical. Unfortunately, people still live in our world, bigoted, fearful, and we must understand that those who do not want to be told it never will be. For this reason, the silence is often necessary to protect ourselves and the traditions of Witchcraft.


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