Wednesday, 14 September 2011

The nature in Wicca

1) Keep the rites in forests, beaches, mountain tops of empty or near quiet lakes as often as possible. If you can go well there is also a garden room or, if that was prepared with the smoke of incense, or flowers.

2) Find the wisdom in books, rare manuscripts and cryptic poems if you will, but seek it also in simple stones in delicate herbs and wild birds in the verse. Hear the whisper of the wind and the roar of water if you want to discover the magic, because that is where the ancient secrets are hidden.

3) The books contain words, the trees contain energies and wisdom that books can not even dream of.

4) Always remember that the Ancient Roads reveal themselves constantly. So be like the river willow that bends and twists in the wind. What remains unchanged in its spirit will survive, but what it evolves and grows will shine for centuries.

5) There may be a monopoly of wisdom. So what you want to share our journey with others who seek him, but hide the mystical tradition to those who would destroy, because doing so would otherwise increase their destruction.

6) Do not mock the rituals or spells of others, because who can say that your have a greater power or wisdom?

7) Make sure that your actions are honorable, for all that you will return back three times as much, for better or for worse.

8) Be careful who wants to dominate you, who wants to control and manipulate your work and your respect. The real respect for the Goddess and the God is within you. Look with suspicion those who want to twist your adoration to their achievement and personal glory, but welcome those priestesses and priests who are inspired by love.

9) Honor all living things, because we are one with the birds, fish and bees. Do not destroy your life unless it serves to save yours. And that's the nature of our journey.

(From the book "The solitary practitioner" by Scott Cunningham)


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