Friday, 9 September 2011

Central Valley Wicca

Central Valley Wicca  is a kind of Wiccan confession in the early sixties when some followers of the new religion moved from England to California's Central Valley. Wicca Central Valley has developed over time their own doctrinal approach and ended with the split in some sub-denominations in further differentiation.

Therefore, today presents itself as a diverse movement, but remained basically faithful to the monistic and dualistic system typical of the Gardnerian line. for the latter factor in the current of the Central Valley is considered part of the group of British Traditional Wicca.

Central Valley Wicca traces its origins from the early 1960 when members of coimunità Wiccan religion newborn began to emigrate from England to settle in the Central Valley of California. The ideating of what was actually the first person to bring Wicca in America is unknown, it is known however that probably had to be a woman. Many theories punctuate the story of the birth of Wicca Central Valley, the most authoritative scholars relate directly to the Xandrianesimo Gardnerianesimo and, in large part to the fact that the structure is vastly similar to the traditions of British origin.

Remains doubtful origin of the same characteristics that differ from the Central Valley Wicca currents originate. Some claim that it was a variation of Gardnerianesimo succeeded only with the installation of the first communities in America Gardnerian, and there are those who say that instead of the Central Valley Wicca is a tradition born in itself already England. However once spread fairly new branch in California was able to break down into some of the names that can be identified as Wicca today regarding the Crescent Moon, the Kingston, Coireismo Mygestismo.Le and the various currents of further division of Wicca Central Valley have drawn elements from ancient pagan spiritual paths, and thus provides a plurality of diverse religions. Today the Central Valley Wicca is a recognized and promulgated by the confessions of the Wiccan Church International. 

Directly descended from the lineage of traditional British Wicca, Wicca Central Valley also has a setting classical doctrine, which features a dualistic theology, but at the same monistic and pantheistic in which all gods are seen as representations or emanations of God and Goddess. Ethics is based on the Rede - the dictates of so do what you want as long as you do not hurt anyone - and the Law of Three. Eschatologically Wicca Central Valley contains a traditional view of the system of reincarnation and karma.


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