Thursday, 15 September 2011

The belief

keep silent; 
these are the four rules of the Magician. 
To risk, we need to know. 
By the will, We must risk. 
We must have the will, to possess the empire. 
To prevail, we must be silent. " 

Learn more: We must clear the mind and clear it from the confusion, the unnecessary waste and notions obsolete. Only then can we open it to accept the gifts of knowledge and truth-the gifts of the Ancients-ahead. 

To risk: We must have the courage to overcome our own ignorance and outdated ideas. Only then will we gain the strength to walk the path Wiccans. Will: Without the will of our magic is bound to fail. Because our efforts are successful, we want to do: establish a goal to become one with it.

Be quiet: This is twofold. First, we must acquire the quality of inner stillness and peace, and cultivate it within ourselves. Only then we can learn from the messages of the gods or to hear the inner voice. The second aspect is more practical. Unfortunately, people still live in our world, bigoted, fearful, and we must understand that those who do not want to be told it never will be. For this reason, the silence is often necessary to protect ourselves and the traditions of Witchcraft.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

The nature in Wicca

1) Keep the rites in forests, beaches, mountain tops of empty or near quiet lakes as often as possible. If you can go well there is also a garden room or, if that was prepared with the smoke of incense, or flowers.

2) Find the wisdom in books, rare manuscripts and cryptic poems if you will, but seek it also in simple stones in delicate herbs and wild birds in the verse. Hear the whisper of the wind and the roar of water if you want to discover the magic, because that is where the ancient secrets are hidden.

3) The books contain words, the trees contain energies and wisdom that books can not even dream of.

4) Always remember that the Ancient Roads reveal themselves constantly. So be like the river willow that bends and twists in the wind. What remains unchanged in its spirit will survive, but what it evolves and grows will shine for centuries.

5) There may be a monopoly of wisdom. So what you want to share our journey with others who seek him, but hide the mystical tradition to those who would destroy, because doing so would otherwise increase their destruction.

6) Do not mock the rituals or spells of others, because who can say that your have a greater power or wisdom?

7) Make sure that your actions are honorable, for all that you will return back three times as much, for better or for worse.

8) Be careful who wants to dominate you, who wants to control and manipulate your work and your respect. The real respect for the Goddess and the God is within you. Look with suspicion those who want to twist your adoration to their achievement and personal glory, but welcome those priestesses and priests who are inspired by love.

9) Honor all living things, because we are one with the birds, fish and bees. Do not destroy your life unless it serves to save yours. And that's the nature of our journey.

(From the book "The solitary practitioner" by Scott Cunningham)

To effectively perform a magic should bear in mind the three needs:

The need, emotion and knowledge.

The hand of energy

The magic about the energy produced by the body that is used inspells and rituals. It is part of the universal energy that sustains our bodies. some of this energy is released by the emotional statereached when you run the magic and is transmitted along with the other energies that are high in order to manifest their need.
The hand is the hand with which energy is released these forces. is the hand he used to write. If you're ambidextrous, and you can use either one being the other hand, choose one and go with that.
this hand is used to present the magic, hold, dispose or otherwise,perform a part of a ritualistic incantation in order.
When necessary, specific rituals is best to use the hand that strivesto write because it's an experienced hand, and it is believed that the energies are released to it so naturally, if you drew by hand a symbol that represents the energy you need the symbol of your energy is infused.

The elements in the magic

The items within the magical symbolism are the components of the basis of everything. These four elements, earth, air, fire and water,are both visible and invisible, physical and spiritual.
From these elements have been made all things, so says themagical thinking. Our current scientific knowledge, according to which there are many more of these "bricks" do not harmonize with this statement, but it's actually a rat much more refined version.
It 'just wise to consider the four elements in physical terms only. The earth for example, refers not only to the planet we live on, but alsothe phenomenon of strength, stability and foundation. Similarly, the focus is much more of the flame.
The system of the elements has been studied and refined during the Renaissance, but has its roots much further back in history.
Although the items are described as "male and female" it should not be seen as sexist. Like all systems, this is also symbolic in that it describes the fundamental qualities of the elements in terms readily understandable.

Mystical Dream


The Goddess Chant

The Spiral Dance


I Hear You Calling


Tuesday, 13 September 2011

13 principles of belief

In 1974, in Minneapolis in the U.S. American witches and many other countries came together creating the Wiccan Council and establish a common creed.

1. We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of the moon, and the media from the quarter-quarter seasonal.

2. We recognize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility toward our environment. We seek to live in harmony with nature, ecological balance in that it allows you to give completeness to the life and deep awareness within evolutionary idea.

3. We acknowledge a depth of power far greater than occurs for ordinary people. Because it is far greater than ordinary it is sometimes called "supernatural," but we see it as part of the potential of all.

Wiccan Traditions

The word tradition means exactly what you think it is, a practice transmitted from person to person. And 'the complex of memories, news and evidence transmitted from one generation to another. In our specific case, we will give a sense of the meaning of the celebration of the Goddess and God through referral guidelines partially structured and handed down through the years, with progressive changes to meet the needs of the group over time.Listed below are some of the different traditions and sects to which witches are based today with a brief description of each of esse.L 'list does not contain all the current over the years, multiplied by referring to existing traditions forming more branches of the same.

Guided Meditation to meet animal totems

Take a comfortable position, close your eyes and relax Take contact with your breath. Feel the air that enters and leaves the lungs, continuing to bring attention to the breath going in and coming out, now you can also feel your body, its weight supported by the ground below you. You can even feel the contact with clothes, and while you listen to your body begin to relax, letting go of tensions, even ones you are not directly aware. Now you can also hear the noises and sounds around you, and as you continue to breathe quietly, begin to bring attention to your heart. Perhaps you can feel the beat somewhere in the body, perhaps in the hands, and as you hear the beat,begin to direct their attention inward. And as you breathe, imagine you are surrounded by a golden or white light that protects you and your body during meditation. And as you continue to follow your breath, imagine that stress, anxiety, worries, and leave the negativity out of your body. Now you feel within you the intent to meet your power animals and ask the deepest part of you to support your inner journey.

Animal guides or power

In addition to the guides who help in our work magic, we have a power animal that follows us for a certain period of time, like at school and then when we reached a certain risultatoegli leaves us and reach another. their task is to help us in difficult times, to join us during our magical activities, but I assure you that after having established strong relationship with them n will feel their presence even if you need any advice.
How to discover what? With meditation.Turn off everything you can to distract, cellular phones, lights, bells and choose the place where you feel your best to relax. Seat belt unfastened, remove watches and crystal. Lie down and relax.Concentrate on your breathing. Inspirarte and exhale. Slowly.Inhale, count to three, and exhale. Do this a few times, until the ache you do not feel that you are perfectly relaxed. Keep ochhi closed throughout the year. Now, visualize a spiral staircase, the first step is golden, head down, slowly exhale and inspired, quiet.Another step is purple, go down.

Travels with the Wolf-Part Two-

Impossible at this point to overlook the gradual transformation of the figure of the wolf in an awesome, sometimes disturbing, however, tied to a violent action (the warrior, in fact). Of otherwise similar transformation also occurs at the Monte High School, in Arcadia, from which you were making rites of cannibalism in honor of the animal.

Here is the same Jupiter to "intervene" and condemn the same Lycaon (spiritual leader of the cult) to damnation, electric shock, the royal palace and the king himself transforming into a wolf. Even then the figure from ancient wolfish connotations clearly threatening and abhorrent, where the kingdom of the dead is guarded by Cerberus (three headed wolf) and Hades, ruler of the underworld, wearing a wolf skin, which gives him invisibility.

Even the king of the underworld with the Etruscans (Ajita) wears the same leather and, among the Celts, the wolf is carnivorous and the funeral is sitting on the rear is in the act of devouring a man. The cultural evolution makes it inconvenient and dangerous to the old image wolfish which were making propitiatory sacrifices, transforming, little by little, in gestures of exorcism: Please do not intercede more because the large predators, but because it is far away. And even the Shaman, who assumes the spirit of the tribe, it becomes loathsome creature, laying the foundations for the future witch cults devoted to hell. Certainly the invasions of northern peoples with their wolf-warriors helped to strengthen and consolidate the relationship between the pagan traditions scaimaniche-and the devil of the new Christian cult, devil that the Catholic Church fought bloody campaigns of evangelization in the bosom of those populations Norse who represented him well. So the figure dell'ulfhednar loses the aura of horror to take on the sacred character of the new curse of evil, thus entering in full in cases of witchcraft.

In Eastern century the figure of the Man-Wolf was inexorably linked with that of the sorcerer's slave of the devil; it comes to dish lower the myth of the wolf: Spirit turned to protect and guide of souls to summon demon that Satan's plaything or to satisfy the thirst for blood because the animal camouflage. It will be in this status, which gave rise to the sacred beast, which will come to life the countless legends, stories and fairy tales related to Werewolf and its transmutations in the nights of full moon. So much for the figure of the werewolf of the Inquisition has its peak in Europe between four hundred and six hundred, in fact, in recent years have witnessed a veritable epidemic of lycanthropy which are attributed all the characteristics and symptoms to help ' identification and extermination of the Satanic race.

Becomes a werewolf who is born during major Christian holidays (because its a sacred time has come to view a desecration), but also to sleep in the face uncovered beneath the moon will not give you a chance to change. More often becomes Werewolves direct intercession of the Devil, which thus gives rise to a handful of slaves for the Sabbath, choosing, of course, between people from the conduct reprehensible. And then the person susceptible to transformation was recognized by some distinctive features: unusually hairy body, bloodshot eyes, teeth feral temper and behavior. And we could go for a lot with the popular myths and legends created by ignorance and cunning inquisitorial arm. After centuries of continuous persecution, the wolf now barely survives in a few protected areas, constantly monitored against the stupidity and wickedness of the human soul.

A wolf in recent years seems to increase its number of fatigue specimens, almost wanting to demonstrate that, despite the terrible cruelty and the image assigned to it, he still is. Ready to resume the role he deserves: companion, guide, friend and aide brave. In the forests will be back bright eyes of wolves and their howling welcome the brightest full moons than ever ... ready, once again, to guide us in a way in which we continue to behave as guests rather than as a disinterested devoted children.
[Of the Helvarr Bibrax.]

Tacitus surface level [Germany]
Church Isnardi G. [Stories and legends of the North]
Darts M. [Writings of the history of Germanic law]
Sighinolfi C. [The wolf in Eastern archaic warrior]
Pilo G. S. Fusco [Stories of werewolves]
Chevallier - Ghurbrant [Dictionary of Symbols]
Burchard of Worms [Decretals]
Kprappe S.H. [The genesis des mythes]
Olaus Magnus [Ristora de gentibus sptentrionalibus]
Gudmund [Odd saga of the arrow]
Ovid's [Metamorphoses]

Travels with the Wolf -Part One-

A Romanian funeral song, starred again in early 900, says: "The wolf appears in front of you. Take it like your brother, because the wolf knows the order of the forests. He takes you by plane to heaven ...". The vision of the wolf as psychopomp, ie guide to the afterlife, is as old as the origins of man, also testified by the discovery of urns in the shape cynocephali, attributed to the Indo-European cultures. A very different view of how our culture now considers the wolf as we have come to such a change and what led the man to consider the pet as a threat to be exterminated?

The most recent ethological studies we deliver the image of a gentle animal, monogamous, prompt with their offspring, with social behavior and non-aggressive towards humans. A creature, all things considered, quite different from the image of legendary evil and bloodthirsty predator that the man has sewn over the centuries; Rather, it is easy to distinguish the similarities between wolves and humans so much that is lost in the mists of time the custom of kept as a companion, or guard flocks of wolves hunting companion in his most popular "transformation" into a dog.

Primitive man with the wolf migrated during the ice ages, from North America, Eurasia, Indo-tunes accompanying the races in Europe and their spread in the Indian sub-continent. In the then social system type nomads (hunters - gatherers), the wolf was a competitor who, in the same ecological niche, pursuing the same prey, but was more able, because faster, with more acute senses, with an enviable view night and "armed" with fangs and claws by nature. Man, even rivaling him, revered as a fine example of a predator, who steal from the tactics and stratagems. The hunter, to excel in its intent, therefore, was to ingratiate himself with the spirit that, in shamanic cultures, occurred due to emulation, that is, becoming "close" the essence of the beast up to assume the behavior, appearance and even the powers .

This was, in all likelihood, the first example of "lycanthropy": that the human capacity to transform itself (with the existence of certain conditions) in their totemic animal, the wolf in our case. This transformation took place (and will continue to be, as we shall see, at least until the tenth century) through ecstatic ritual which involved the emulation movements of feral and the assumption of specific substances (sacred mushrooms, rather than alcohol or beverages made of herbs) ; wearing the skin of the animal he assumed the appearance and movements, through the ingestion of "sacred substance" if it acquired spirituality, strength and courage. Now the shaman was the god-wolf that led propitiatory dances rather than the hunt itself, as they seem to show some paintings. At the dawn of the Bronze Age most of the races now adopted a sedentary type of social framework, based on agriculture, hunting and handicrafts, with female cults and "moon", focusing on the fertility rituals and marked by the moon cycles that marked a life based social typical seasonal rhythms of the corporate form permanent.

The meeting between these realities with many nomads, whose cult was based on masculine images and shamanic solar, gave rise to a fascinating fusion of cultures at the base are the many "myths of the beginning" who see the wolf as protagonist . Phoebus and Artemis (respectively related to the Sun and Moon) were born to Leto, transformed into a wolf. The same Sabines called themselves "sons of the wolf" and that is why, perhaps, that a she-wolf was entrusted with the protection and sustenance of the divine twins Romulus and Remus, founders of Rome. Farther south the same Osiris, after the dismemberment of his body by the evil brother, reborn as a canid. Finally, even in the Mongolian culture is the Celestial Wolf progenitor of heroes, the last of whom was the famous Genghis Khan.

We note that the overlap between the ancient cults of the hunt and those investing in fertility, a bit 'in all cultures, the wolf as an animal propitiator of fertilization. I cite in this regard, the Lupercalia in ancient Rome where the followers of the God Lupercus (around mid-February) traveled half-naked through the streets of the urban women of childbearing age beating with leather straps, so recalling the beginnings of the foundation of the City transformed in an apparent ritual practiced fertility and rebirth. The wolf, however, did not merely embody the myths of birth and fertility, already at the dawn of the Iron Age Norse warriors and Central European cultures considered the wolf (and his family totem, the bear and the dog) as models of courage and puissance: symbols of a warrior caste elite.

Summing up the various sources come down to us (and later most contaminated by the editors of the Catholic faith) we can draw a profile of what could plausibly be a ulfhednar (warrior-wolf) or a Berserkr (warrior-bear) and their evolution in Europe. Already Tacitus (in his book "Germany") tells us of fierce warriors (the Aryans) with shields blacks, naked and painted body who prefer fighting at night, thus making eco warrior from a tradition that is rooted in Norse mythology. Odin himself is stronger than his band of holy warriors who joined in Valhalla and which are often associated with ulfhednar and Berserkr. German-Scandinavian warrior society in this elite military units fighting in highly prestigious, highly organized military caste hierarchical and linked to the divinity which they were consecrated, enjoying the aura of sacred power, respect and fear.

Inspired by the remote, and already mentioned, the shamanistic practices of their ancestors, they embody the essence of the wolf (or bear), the ferocity, cunning and fearsome appearance. These men were under priestly initiations conducted with the use of alcohol and psychotropic substances (mushrooms, herbs, mead or beer) and type ecstatic rituals, during which the warrior fell into a trance shamanic type. We can not exclude that one of the tests was to support the hunting and killing of the animal, with the intake of meat and blood, literally entering into the body of the warrior bestows the coveted quality. These people dressed in wolf skins, wore leather thongs with metal rings loud and legs, biting their shields and "howled" at the very battles to terrify the enemy.

[Of the Helvarr Bibrax.]

Friday, 9 September 2011

Alexandrian Wicca

Alexandrian Wicca (also Alexandrina, Alexandrina, or Alexandrian) is a British branch of the Wiccan religion founded in England in the sixties by Alex Sanders and his wife Maxine Sanders. The current Alexandrian has many points of connection with the Gardnerian Wicca (the original tradition of Gerald Gardner), although it differs in many small ways. Together with the branch of Gardnerian, Alexandrian and one of the most common forms of Wicca. Alexandrian Wicca is practiced today to a greater extent in North America, particularly in the United States and Canada.

The Encyclopedia Mystica reports that the limited distribution in Great Britain, where the contrary Gardnerian Wicca was a great success, was due to negative publicity made by the same Sanders. In 1980 almost none of the Alexandrian coven U.S. had direct contact with Alex Sanders. A different situation in Canada, where the groups could immediately Alexandrian organizations established before the spread of negativity about the founder.

Alexandrian Wicca is fundamentally based on Gardnerian, to which Alex Sanders (Sanders and Alexander, the extended version of the full name) was initiated as a member of First Instance. Originally Alexandrian Wicca did not differ much from the Gardnerian.

Sanders, in his work of spreading of Wicca, in a short time was able to convert hundreds of people, including his future wife, Maxine, a former Catholic. Alexandrian tradition gradually took a less mysterious and closed with respect to the Gardnerian tradition, as well as more open to doctrinal innovations, which led to a subsequent assimilation of elements from other traditions. In particular, in Alexandrian Wicca can find influences of traditional Kabbalah, Hermetic Qabalah the of Enochian magic and ceremonial magic, as well as teaching the same course, Alex Sanders.

The name Alexandrian Tradition is generally seen as both a derivation of the name of the founder - a mutilation is thus due to the name of the contract of Alex Sanders is the extended version of Alexander Sanders - that the historic Library of Alexandria, one of the greatest cultural centers of the ancient world. The name was chosen in reference to the library because this is usually seen as a broadcaster and standardization of culture. The name was chosen by Stewart Farrar, one of the first initiates of Sanders, and used for the first time in his book What Witches Do.

The Alexandrian tradition, with similarities in other Wiccan traditions and in accordance with the direct descent from the Gardnerian greatly emphasizes a worldview marked by theological and cosmological dualism of the divine forces. How Gardnerian tradition, Alexandrian also gives strong emphasis to the distinction between the Goddess, Mother Nature single and a triple order of the universe and all things, and God, the consort of the goddess.

The two Wiccan deities represent the opposition which it is based on the principles of the cosmos, life and the existence of all beings, animate or not. As in the tradition Garderiana the two bodies are similar to the eternal opposition of divine forces which flow from the cycles of nature that underlie the formation and destruction, and the amalgamation dismembrarsi, the clash of diversity which follows the evolution or involution (the continuing anyway) of things that exist. When compared to Gardnerian Wicca, Alexandrian current is defined as more eclectic and open to the assimilation of foreign elements. As already stated the Alexandrian doctrine today is based on strong influences cabalistic, hermetic Kabbalistic, and a prominent center of ceremonial magic and in particular that of Enochian tradition.

 Part Alexandrian which refer to the current reformed Stewart Farrar honor the god entity as a dual, separate itself into a polarity of forces represented by the Holly King and Oak King and iconography through the symbol of the green. The Alexandrian Reformed believe that these two manifestations of God are a patron of the two parties respectively, that comprise the sacred year. The doctrinal system is ultimately based on the Rede, as is true of the whole movement Wiccan, this distinction is highlighted by the proper version of the Alexandrian Book of Shadows. Another feature that distinguishes the tradition of the Alexandrian and Gardnerian Wiccan traditions other is the already mentioned strong element in the Cabalistic and Hermetic doctrine. In the rite of evocation of the guardians of the five elements and the cardinal points - the cosmic forces considered able to catalyze the energy of the cosmos - the Alexandrian identify these entities hidden with the ten sephiroth of the Kabbalah, the Goddess of cosmic emanations. Organization Alexandrian tradition shares with the other current Wiccan initiation requires a system that theoretically open to all who ask.

This is somewhat of a push to the spread of the tradition, which, under an apparent blanket of closure and a hidden mystery religion universalism. As in the Gardnerian tradition, Alexandrian in the initiation, there are three levels or degrees of initiation, commonly reported as the first, second and third degree. Only members of the second and third grade are allowed to practice the training of new members to worship and form new covens. Initiates from the second grade are considered the most formats, and are therefore designated with the title of senior priests. Some Alexandrian covens have also established a level of protoingresso in the group, that of the neophyte or devoting. In these covens newcomers are not immediately admitted to the ceremonies, rituals, and are not considered in effect part of the coven, until after it has been awarded the first degree of initiation.

The academic reports and historian Ronald Hutton notes that in Britain the distinction between the Alexandrian and Gardnerian has become more blurred in recent decades, and how many initiates of both traditions have recognized the initiation to one tradition, as a guarantee access to the other. The Wiccan author Vivianne Crowley, began the third degree of both traditions, organizes seminars for teaching parallel traditional Gardnerian and Alexandrian, Alexandrian priestess in the U.S. Mary Nesnick founded a new movement, the Algardi, which proposes the unification of the Gardnerian and Alexandrian teachings. In addition, Janet Owen, wife of Stewart Farrar, who called himself a reformed alexandria, no longer defined at all Alexandrian. Same time have appeared two new branches of Wicca Alexandrian inspiration, namely the Blue Star Wicca and Odisseanesimo.

Spell to neutralize a rumor

People gossip because it is not happy with their lives
and then feel the urge to share their misery by making others unhappy.

Needed: 4 black candles, oil security, your photo, salt, a sheet withthe names of people who speak ill of you ("if you do not knowenough to write on the paper this phrase:" all the harmful rumorsabout me stop fly ") a red candle

Instructions: Consecrate the black candles in the oil protection,from the bottom up to the wick. Arrange them around your photos.Draw a circle with the 4 rooms around the candles. Light it andrecite the following invocation:

O mighty mother, there are people
things they think I am lying.
Those who regard themselves as kings and queens
of (school, work, family etc. ..)
have risen up against me.
to harm me have cheated
those in authority.
Be my shield, the Great Mother
rise up and wrap me with the glory of your essence

Place the sheet with the names of people who are trying to ruinunder the red candle.
Light it. Place your hands over the candle (not too close), and pronounced these words:

Spezza suffered their grip on me,
and disperse the wires physical and astral
of negative energy that I have wrapped
Grant me the tools
to defend my reputation

lower your gaze on them, Mother,
you feel your anger
and return it to them the negative energies
and reduce to pieces like an earthenware pot.
in the name of the Lord and Lady, so be it!

Clap your hands and proclaim aloud:

This spell is sealed!

Make eat the candles. Do this spell every day until no longer feelthreatened.

Central Valley Wicca

Central Valley Wicca  is a kind of Wiccan confession in the early sixties when some followers of the new religion moved from England to California's Central Valley. Wicca Central Valley has developed over time their own doctrinal approach and ended with the split in some sub-denominations in further differentiation.

Therefore, today presents itself as a diverse movement, but remained basically faithful to the monistic and dualistic system typical of the Gardnerian line. for the latter factor in the current of the Central Valley is considered part of the group of British Traditional Wicca.

Central Valley Wicca traces its origins from the early 1960 when members of coimunità Wiccan religion newborn began to emigrate from England to settle in the Central Valley of California. The ideating of what was actually the first person to bring Wicca in America is unknown, it is known however that probably had to be a woman. Many theories punctuate the story of the birth of Wicca Central Valley, the most authoritative scholars relate directly to the Xandrianesimo Gardnerianesimo and, in large part to the fact that the structure is vastly similar to the traditions of British origin.

Remains doubtful origin of the same characteristics that differ from the Central Valley Wicca currents originate. Some claim that it was a variation of Gardnerianesimo succeeded only with the installation of the first communities in America Gardnerian, and there are those who say that instead of the Central Valley Wicca is a tradition born in itself already England. However once spread fairly new branch in California was able to break down into some of the names that can be identified as Wicca today regarding the Crescent Moon, the Kingston, Coireismo Mygestismo.Le and the various currents of further division of Wicca Central Valley have drawn elements from ancient pagan spiritual paths, and thus provides a plurality of diverse religions. Today the Central Valley Wicca is a recognized and promulgated by the confessions of the Wiccan Church International. 

Directly descended from the lineage of traditional British Wicca, Wicca Central Valley also has a setting classical doctrine, which features a dualistic theology, but at the same monistic and pantheistic in which all gods are seen as representations or emanations of God and Goddess. Ethics is based on the Rede - the dictates of so do what you want as long as you do not hurt anyone - and the Law of Three. Eschatologically Wicca Central Valley contains a traditional view of the system of reincarnation and karma.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

What is Wicca

Wicca is an ancient religion.
Although at the time did not have this name, is the first religion that was ever practiced on earth, about 30,000 years ago. The Wiccans believe in two gods: a masculine principle, the ancient god hunter, and a female: the Goddess Mother. They have created the universe, the universe and is present in all manifestations of nature. And 'that is based on the nature of Wicca. Cycle of the seasons, the respect of every living being. The word Wicca was introduced by Gardner in the 50's and is used as an alternative to Witchcraft, sorcery.

Wicca, the witch is simply "the wise". Witchcraft has been persecuted by Christianity, attempted to erase the pagan religion in Christian festivals overlapping those pagan festivals were connected to the wheel of the year. The God Hunter often depicted with horns, and stressed its strong connection with nature, was superimposed on the image of absolute evil for Christians: the devil.

We Wiccans do not worship the devil, not even believe it! The pentacle, the five-pointed star that Satanists carry upside down is actually a symbol of protection and represents the 4 elements governed by the Spirit. For Wiccans there is no absolute evil. But we have ethics. Ethic where it's easy to find and that is summed up in the Wiccan rule. The real witch, or Wicca, is a person who believes in the divine manifests itself in nature, I feel the strength, love and try to keep in harmony with it. It 'a person always looking, sincere, responsible for their actions, protector of all living things.

We are not idolaters. We do not believe that the Sun and Moon are deities: they are the symbol of the Goddess and God chose us because we remember them. For this God is identified with the Sun and the Moon Goddess.

The Wiccans practice magic. They do not appear in objects, do not turn into animals, much less throw curses. Wicca is the magic only for good. The witch is the only true means necessary. The Christians call it what we call magic in a way that will sound familiar: prayer.

Wicca is a religion "invented". Refers to ancient cults, practices of which unfortunately we have only fragmentary evidence. For this reason, rather than on finding ConcenTrace ancient roots and continuity over the centuries, with the risk of producing false true history, we prefer to pay attention to the present and future. Wicca is a reality in the present: it is the choice of those who have decided to return to nature and back in touch with the Divine within each of us.
Being heirs of the Ancient Religion today, involves great responsibility, especially in a world like ours, in which man seems to have forgotten his deep connection with the Earth.

The law on magic-power-Scott Cunningham

1) The power will not be used to cause damage, injure or control others. But if the need should arise, the power will be used toprotect your life or the lives of others.
2) The power is used only as indicated by necessity.
3) The power can be used to your advantage, as long as doing sodoes not harm another person.
4) It is unwise to accept money for the use of power because it controls the receiver quickly.
5) Do not use your power to draw pride, because it cheapens the mysteries of Wicca and magic.
6) Always remember that Power is the sacred gift of the Goddess and God, and should never be misused or abused.
And this is the Law of Power.

Scott Cunningham

Scott Douglas Cunningham (Riyal Oak, June 27, 1956 - March 28, 1993) was an American writer. Author of several books on Wicca and other topics related to alternative spirituality. Today his name is among the most celebrated in the pagan community and is considered one of the most influential and revolutionary wicca.
Scott Cunningham was born in Royal Oak (Michigan), in 1956 his family moved to San Diego, California, in the fall of 1959 and he continues to live here until his death, despite numerous trips to Hawaii. In high school, a classmate introduced him to Wicca and spirituality: Following initiation result in different congregations. In 1978 he enrolled as a student at San Diego State University where he attended courses in creative writing: a couple of years later, however, has already published more books than many of its professors, thereby leaving his studies to devote himself to writing full time. In 1983 he was diagnosed with lymphoma and his health worsened over the years until in 1990 he was diagnosed with a form of meningitis related to AIDS: a result of numerous infections died in early 1993 was only 36 years.

Scott Cunningham's religious views are simple and easy to understand: they are based on an interpretation of Wicca and its very basic work is mainly directed to the solitary practitioner. Basic does not mean simplistic: every statement in his books is carefully considered and the basic concept that led to the Art has been in the deep subjectivity of religious practices. In his most famous book and sold, Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner (published in Italian under the title "Wicca"), he says "learn by doing, and the Goddess and God bless you with everything you really need" . It was his belief that Wicca, which until then remained fairly shrouded in secrecy, should instead be open and welcome those who wish to approach it.

Scott Cunningham was and still is one of the best-selling authors Wiccan but despite this his work has met the criticism of the pagan community, which accused him of having proposed a fundamentally new age version of Wicca, which is softened and watered and above based on the concept of "religion do-it-yourself" inconceivable to those who follow more traditional forms of Wicca and rigid (the derogatory term used pagan Anglophone community has taken the "fluffy bunny", and is used by critics to refer to authors such as Cunningham, Silver Ravenwolf, DJ Conway and others, often published by the publishing house Llevellyn).

Invocation of Morrigan

I call, Oh Great Morrigan, Glorious Mother!Sovereignty, Covetousness, Indomitable Force, Sidereal Crow. (Rip.)You who struck terror in the enemies of your sons, you who gifts of courage and determination.You embrace that you welcome into your souls from the Middle World and accompany you in your realm populated by shadows without sleep.For your hair down in the howling wind of the storm, for your hair that emanates merciless glare of flames,I call you, Mother Crow! (We invoke thee Glorious Morrigan)Courage, Kingship, Lust, Shining Darkness. (Rip.)You who know the most arcane mysteries, You who reigns supreme on the battlefield.You who have the threads of fate.For your eyes full of dark secrets, for your eyes red with tears and blood,I call you, Oh Beautiful! (We invoke thee Glorious Morrigan)Frenzy, Terror, Knowledge, Wisdom Supreme. (Rip.)You fly over the world on that magnificent wings of ravens, that you call your children by name to fight by your side, the trials of life.You can not be stopped by ropes and chains.For the mouth of your darkness and fire that has devoured our pain, for seduction hidden between your lips,I call you, the Great Warrior! (We invoke thee Glorious Morrigan)Liberty, Fury, Passion, Relentless Justice. (Rip.)You are traveling in the worlds of the living and the dead, thou timeless and boundless.You who console the weeping and your children wear the veil of mourning for the death of each one.For your hands grip indestructible weapons against the enemy, for your hands in an embrace that will wipe the tears of those who love you,I call you, Oh my only Queen! (We invoke thee Glorious Morrigan)Coldness, Penalty, Mystery, Infinite Love. (Rip.)You who fear the gates in the hearts of men, you who possess the power to make and unmake.You who reigns victorious over death.For your wings of darkness that give freedom to the spirit, for your feathers burned with anguish,I call you, Queen of ghosts. (We invoke thee Glorious Morrigan)
Come to us, Messenger of Prophecies, in raising the children of your face to the sky and its glorious stars. (Come to us)Come to us, oh great, for us to be born again, with bright eyes to see you in the dark, with a strong heart for your courage and fiery power of your love for the beauty of your creatures and, with a body made for dancing in your image your secrets in the night, in a spirit of pride in the glory of your fire. (Come to us)
I will invoke Morrigan Oh Great!Warrior Furious come to me, (Come to us)Come to Me Mother Crow, (Come to us)Come to me Glorious Lady (Come to us)Come to me, the Triple Goddess of Power, the sound of whose name the wicked tremble. (Come to us)My cry is raised showing faith in a loud voice, full swing and unconditional devotion.Now, Crow Mother, wake up! (Crow Mother Awake, awake!)In this place at this very moment I'll call you.Come down between us and fill my heart and my spirit of your presence. (Crow Mother Awake, awake!)

Prayer to Freya

Blessed be the goddess of the dawn shimmering
Freyja, the Beautiful,
The most passionate of the Queens.
Insegnimi the mysteries of the authentic passion of the heart.
Show me the secrets of wyrd.
Walk with me in the starlight.
I light this candle
in a fiery offering to You,

Prayer to the God Pan

O dear Pan and other gods that you're in this place,
Permit me to become beautiful within,
and that all the things I have out in accordance
with what I have inside.
May I consider the wise man rich
and that I may have a quantity of gold
which no other could neither take nor take away,
if not the temperate

Invocation male aspect

O God horned
tamed by love,
capable of intense passion,
join us now O God kind,
Sharer, God without possessions,
Be here with us now

O lover of men and women,
child, elder, join us now

You who are strong in battle,
proud of the land from which you are born and who die,
Be here with us now

O faithful son, loving father,
affectionate brother,
you who work against the rapes, join us now

O rebellious, sower,
one who sustains us and support us,
now we need your energy,
we invoke your presence,
Be with us now.

Grounding & centering

... Find a tree that attracts you and which you would like to work, abbstanza away from traffic, so as not to be disturbati.Chiedete tree to help you. You can do it in silence, do not worry, you do not hear passers-by, but the plant. If you do not receive a positive response, find another place. When you feel the consent of a tree, sit with your back against the trunk and close your eyes. (If exegetes this practice at home, choose a corner where you can rest easy. Turn off the radio and unplug the phone, or at least turn down the volume on the answering machine.)

Start with relaxation and meditation, when you feel serene and calm, you draw a long deep breath. Hold the air for a count of three and, as you do, realize that you just received a gift from the tree of life. Keep breathing, paying attention to the life that flows between you and the tree between you and all the trees of the mondo.Sentite connessione.Ora, straighten your shoulders and feel your back to become strong like the tree trunk. Ask the plant to teach you what it means to belong to the plant world. (If you're at home, leaning back against the wall and imagine yourself under a tree in a stunning open air. You will engage with particular intensity in the near point of the exercise as you penetrate carpets, floors and foundations)

Exhale and imagine that at the base of your spine to stretch the roots that go down into the ground below you. Feel it and penetrate into the damp earth, and, increasingly subtle, go deep in a land rich in nutrients. Feel the minerals, water and life force flowing into the subtle and propagaggini back up your spine and then up to the neck, head, then down into the muscles, organs and lungs. As you inhale, absorb the Earth's energy in your body, feel it move in the veins, while it energizes and renews, taking care of any injury or illness. You may feel a sensation of heat, light and energy; focalizzatela areas of your body that need care, do not forget the heart.

While the power of the Earth runs into you, you hear the branches growing from your torso and your head, feel the leaves sprout and reach out to grab the heat of the sun, the sweetness of the air. Now the energy flows through you and comes out like a fountain or waterfall from the top of the head down into the ground below you. The energy of life makes them strong and healthy. Breathe and feel the air circulate.
Probably you will feel energized and happy, maybe you feel like you have the light-headed ... Hold the energy in the heart and slowly begin to pick up the roots from the earth: they are now going up in this rich, rejuvenating, and rolled to the base of your spine dorsale.Ringrazialte Earth and the tree to the gifts you have bestowed mani.Quando in full you feel ready, slowly open your eyes ...

The grounding may be done for two purposes diversi.Primo if excess energy circulating in your body, you can return them to Earth. Second, if you emptied stunted (because you used the personal energy), you can absorb the energy needed to recharge. To do this, place your hands ... on Earth, and let the energy flow from you, or sit in a comfortable position and pull up the energy to your body ...

If you worked outside the home leave an offering to thank the Earth and the tree ...

Taken from: The Art of Magic by Phyllis Curott

Simple scheme suitable for Wicca's Neophytes

This is a simple pattern, divided into 22 points, giving you a guideline on steps to follow for the execution of a spell. The text is taken from "The Art of Magic" by Phyllis Curott.

1) Establish your objective

2) Consult a tool for divination, or an oracle for advice

3) Integrate the advice that was given to you in your spell

4) Consult a table of matches to choose with such deities, elements such as herbs and working

5) Use your creativity, insight and information at your disposal

6) Obtain all necessary materials and prepare the altar

7) Prepare a bath of purification

8) prepared your space, if you work indoors, use a purifying herb like sage or salt water to cleanse the energy of the place. Disconnect all phones and avoid distractions. If necessary, hang a sign on the door where you say you do not want to be disturbed. Close the door.

9) Form the Circle

10) Breathe, grounding and centering do

11) You feel the divinity within you

12) Call on / off you call the gods

13) Declare aloud your goal, the purpose of the spell.

14) Display as their objective

15) Focus your energy

16) Direct the energy toward the goal, the purpose of the spell

17) Secure and free energy of the spell

18) Download the excess energy

19) Do you offer a libation and thank

20) Close the circle

21) Remove the altar and put the magic tools with care

22) Act in accordance.

To dissolve a relationship that oppresses

As title, the spell in question serves to dissolve any link between you and a person deemed negative or hurt you in some way.
I, for example, I used to forget all of my ex ...

Cut a sheet of paper or parchment, a double symbol that represents your situation, but keep it connected to three points. For example, if you feel, in fact, bound to another person negatively, Cut out the shape of two dolls together for the head, hands and feet. Raise magical energy talking loudly of the bond that binds you. When you are ready, repeat these words:

Rite of the New Moon

The new moon marks the beginning of a new cycle, so this particular lunar period is optimal for formulating and 'sowing' our intentions. As the seeds need a period of gestation before they germinate, so also for the event, the realization of our ideas and our desires. The moon phase 'black' is often considered the stage where our intentions are the roots before manisfestarsi sufficient to 'light'. There are the professors of the 'magic' of energy, such as Wayne Dyer (even if they do not call it 'magic') that may completely ignore the lunar phases, since the energy from us and is always the same (as long as we sufficiently to create within us). But from personal experience I can say with some confidence that, if we are not experts of magic energy, it is better to receive the aid flow lunar)


Our intentions, if clear and 'expressed' with a strong flow of energetic, have power. So, make sure your intentions (ideas and desires) are right. The belief that these intentions are moral, just and appropriate will help you to accumulate force and not be weakened by doubts or lack of confidence.

What to do to Mabon

Put the baskets of fresh fruit to friends and family

Fill a bowl with fruit and leave it as an offering to the gods

Make a meal of fortune

Fill a basket with pine cones, colorful leaves, wheat, corn and fallen pine branches and leave the door

Go into a field of apple trees and if you can Pick one up from the tree.

Ears hang on the door, windows

Serve a typical dinner with good wine Mabon from God and the Goddess of beans and vegetables.

Ideal also a soup with carrots, onions, potatoes, chicory and maize that combine the energies of the God and Goddess.

Make the spiced wine

Prepare apples, cored and raising the filling of pastry cream. To eat with someone special.

Gather colorful leaves, to make the centerpieces.

It 'a good time to walk in the woods, taking them to use dried herbs on the altar or as decoration for your tea.

Change the scope of the house.

Call and thank them for the elements: earth / home and finances, Air / school and knowledge, Fire / career and achievements, Water / emotions and relationships.

Phone calls to friends and thank them for making them real in your life

Leave an apple in the garden in memory of a loved one missing.

Make a charm of protection by tying the branches of hazel with red thread.

Go through your garden all the flowers and touch.

Drink red wine, possibly heated up the chimney.

Hang an apple from the ceiling with a little bite and play with your love.

Talk to neighborhood kids, smile and greet him when they cross

Take a mandala of seeds and grain on the ground, offering the gifts of the Mother of the garden or the animals of the forest

Take a string of bark

Cooked baked apples cored and filled with butter and cinnamon.

Buy a nice new collar to your puppy.

Honor the birds and small animals that live near your home, leaving the seeds and the food.

Put a little up the house, putting ears in each pot

Make garlands with screws, softened in hot water.

This is thanks to the day of your life.

Do you offer libations to the trees

Relax, watch a movie, started a new book, do not expect to work.

Cut an apple in half so that you can see the pentacle.

This is a way to remember that life is reborn.

Take the small bottle for birds.

Take pine cones and roll it in honey, then the seeds they eat.

Gather branches of willow wands and make it, is an ancient Druidic practice.

How to use the pendulum

Ethics requires us not to use the pendulum to harm the interests of others or violate the rights of their intimacy. The pendulums are an excellent means to communicate with the spirit world, to check the accuracy of readings or other divination and many other different things.

1) Find objects in a closed environment: the pendulum is in hand, focus on the object to be searched, put in a corner of the room and wait for the swing, get in another corner and wait for the oscillation, the two straight lines meet where is the hidden object. You can also recreate the local plan and ask the pendulum to indicate the precise point.

2) Find objects outside: the pendulum will indicate the direction with the linear, while in the rotation with elliptical indicate distance, speed takes longer than what you are looking far.

3) Ask advice on spells and rituals: Ask the pendulum if the ingredients and tools are the right ones to use, if the time is suitable, in this case, the answer always respect, understand that if you do not consider him no longer respond in the correct manner.

4) As oracle: An oracle is not a prediction of the future, but a means to seek advice from your subconscious to know and to learn how to live as best as possible.

5) Past Lives: You can write the dates on pieces of paper smaller, separate, and separate them, even on a table. Ask about your past lives and the pendulum will be oriented in the direction of the sheet with the date accurately. You can go back in time in this way. You can do the same with the continents, even to the country where you lived. People who know and their relationships with you in past lives. Write on separate sheets of paper: lover, friend / a, husband / a, family and so on. Appoint the person and ask the question.

6) Health: Ask each area of ​​your body or the aura of someone you want to know something. Continue to deepen the questions after each answer you get.

7) Betting / Gambling: not agreeing with this type of use I avoid to tell you. You will find information on the network, but in my opinion, or you are very good and try and forget it. Risk of harm does not make you indifferent.

8) Reports: (be careful not to infringe upon the privacy) A pendulum can tell you all sorts of things for other people. A photo or a personal item of the person is a big help, but it is not necessary. Just keep the pendulum on the object and ask questions.

9) Places where you can buy items or get repairs: Open the phone book and ask where is the cheapest and best quality. Say the name of the place and the pendulum will say yes or no. A pendulum can also be used to diagnose mechanical problems before removing a piece or take it to a mechanic.

10) Demons: for this you will find news on the net. My personal advice is to avoid entering the world of demons. Can not wake up the biting, especially if inexperienced.

11) Tarot: Do you have several cards of the Tarot seconds as there are possible answers to a question. Ask the question and the pendulum will begin to move in the direction of the paper with the answer, until you get a pendulum is directly over the paper. Each question "yes or no" can be answered accurately with a pendulum. Small cardboard or paper with name of people, places or things, can be arranged from right to left and the pendulum will be oriented in the direction of the card with the answer.

What support tools to use:

1) Dial: You can also use tables radiestetiche, quadrants that cover various topics to get answers to broader questions. The dial is a circle divided into segments which will be shown the various features (trends of character, alphabet, months of the year ....), The pendulum is positioned in the center and asks the question. The clock will stop on a swing to the right, but slice from the center.

2) map or telephone: They are very useful to track down.

3) Witnesses: They are champions of an object that we intend to try. It 'a reference point that serves to raise awareness of the pendulum and bring it into harmony with the object you are looking for.

After each session should be washed with soap and water, displaying the energy and the dirt they leave.

Do not let anyone touch the pendulum, you have to load just for ourselves.

When we detect that the answer is not exact, we must first ask the correct question, and try again, try to understand why the wrong answer, if the reasons for the request are honest, probably depends on our physical state: perhaps we were tired ? We have somehow influenced the response? Perhaps it is better to try again when we are in conditions to do so.

How to Read the pendulum

Never place near mirrors that reflect to you.

Sitting at a table, with feet flat on the ground and good neighbors, (never cross your legs) to support the right arm above the elbow (or left if you are left-handed), the other fist loosely, take the wire of the pendulum between your thumb and forefinger (or middle), tighten slightly (never nervously) wire.

The ideal length of the wire is what allows you to keep the pendulum at 3-4 cm away from the table.

There are times in favor, the sunrise and sunset are the best in general.

The sky must never be clear.

Pay attention to wind and drafts of air.

People are refractory and adverse affect adversely the success.

The pendulum

The pendulum is usually accurate, easy to use and requires little time.

The answer to the laws of pendulum dowsing, from Latin and greek RADIUS = RADIUS aisthesis = ISO ',' sensitivity to radiation. " There are many theories about this phenomenon, the most are those that emerge dowsing dowsing mental and physical:

- The physicalist line of thought is based on the principle that every body, as well as make its radiation is emitted by all those affected by the bodies that surround it, moreover, the pendulum must have certain built-in features and precise work best.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

The Wiccan Rede

Bide ye Wiccan laws ye must,
in perfect love and perfect trust.
Live and let live, fairly take and fairly give.
Form the circle thrice about, to keep all evil spirits out.
To bind ye spell every time, let ye spell be spake in rhyme.
Soft of eye, light of touch, speak ye little, listen much.
Deosil go by the waxing moon, singing out ye Witches’ Rune.
Widdershins go by the waning moon, chanting out ye Baneful Rune.
When the Lady’s moon is new, kiss your hand to her times two.
When the moon rides at her peak, then ye heart’s desire seek.
Heed the North wind’s mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail.
When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss thee on the mouth.
When the wind blows from the West, departed souls may have no rest.
When the wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.
Nine woods in ye cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow.
Elder be ye Lady’s tree, burn it not or cursed ye’ll be.
When the wheel begins to turn, soon ye Beltaine fire’ll burn.
When the wheel hath turned to Yule, light the log the Horned One rules.
Heed ye flower, bush and tree, by the Lady blessed be.
Where the rippling waters flow, cast a stone and truth ye’ll know.
When ye have and hold a need, harken not to other's greed.
With a fool no season spend, nor be counted as his friend.
Merry meet and merry part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
Mind ye threefold law ye should, three times bad and three times good.
When misfortune is anow, wear the blue star upon thy brow.
True in love ye must ever be, lest thy love be false to thee.
In these eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill,
‘An ye harm none, do what ye will.
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