Thursday, 15 September 2011

The belief

keep silent; 
these are the four rules of the Magician. 
To risk, we need to know. 
By the will, We must risk. 
We must have the will, to possess the empire. 
To prevail, we must be silent. " 

Learn more: We must clear the mind and clear it from the confusion, the unnecessary waste and notions obsolete. Only then can we open it to accept the gifts of knowledge and truth-the gifts of the Ancients-ahead. 

To risk: We must have the courage to overcome our own ignorance and outdated ideas. Only then will we gain the strength to walk the path Wiccans. Will: Without the will of our magic is bound to fail. Because our efforts are successful, we want to do: establish a goal to become one with it.

Be quiet: This is twofold. First, we must acquire the quality of inner stillness and peace, and cultivate it within ourselves. Only then we can learn from the messages of the gods or to hear the inner voice. The second aspect is more practical. Unfortunately, people still live in our world, bigoted, fearful, and we must understand that those who do not want to be told it never will be. For this reason, the silence is often necessary to protect ourselves and the traditions of Witchcraft.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

The nature in Wicca

1) Keep the rites in forests, beaches, mountain tops of empty or near quiet lakes as often as possible. If you can go well there is also a garden room or, if that was prepared with the smoke of incense, or flowers.

2) Find the wisdom in books, rare manuscripts and cryptic poems if you will, but seek it also in simple stones in delicate herbs and wild birds in the verse. Hear the whisper of the wind and the roar of water if you want to discover the magic, because that is where the ancient secrets are hidden.

3) The books contain words, the trees contain energies and wisdom that books can not even dream of.

4) Always remember that the Ancient Roads reveal themselves constantly. So be like the river willow that bends and twists in the wind. What remains unchanged in its spirit will survive, but what it evolves and grows will shine for centuries.

5) There may be a monopoly of wisdom. So what you want to share our journey with others who seek him, but hide the mystical tradition to those who would destroy, because doing so would otherwise increase their destruction.

6) Do not mock the rituals or spells of others, because who can say that your have a greater power or wisdom?

7) Make sure that your actions are honorable, for all that you will return back three times as much, for better or for worse.

8) Be careful who wants to dominate you, who wants to control and manipulate your work and your respect. The real respect for the Goddess and the God is within you. Look with suspicion those who want to twist your adoration to their achievement and personal glory, but welcome those priestesses and priests who are inspired by love.

9) Honor all living things, because we are one with the birds, fish and bees. Do not destroy your life unless it serves to save yours. And that's the nature of our journey.

(From the book "The solitary practitioner" by Scott Cunningham)

To effectively perform a magic should bear in mind the three needs:

The need, emotion and knowledge.

The hand of energy

The magic about the energy produced by the body that is used inspells and rituals. It is part of the universal energy that sustains our bodies. some of this energy is released by the emotional statereached when you run the magic and is transmitted along with the other energies that are high in order to manifest their need.
The hand is the hand with which energy is released these forces. is the hand he used to write. If you're ambidextrous, and you can use either one being the other hand, choose one and go with that.
this hand is used to present the magic, hold, dispose or otherwise,perform a part of a ritualistic incantation in order.
When necessary, specific rituals is best to use the hand that strivesto write because it's an experienced hand, and it is believed that the energies are released to it so naturally, if you drew by hand a symbol that represents the energy you need the symbol of your energy is infused.

The elements in the magic

The items within the magical symbolism are the components of the basis of everything. These four elements, earth, air, fire and water,are both visible and invisible, physical and spiritual.
From these elements have been made all things, so says themagical thinking. Our current scientific knowledge, according to which there are many more of these "bricks" do not harmonize with this statement, but it's actually a rat much more refined version.
It 'just wise to consider the four elements in physical terms only. The earth for example, refers not only to the planet we live on, but alsothe phenomenon of strength, stability and foundation. Similarly, the focus is much more of the flame.
The system of the elements has been studied and refined during the Renaissance, but has its roots much further back in history.
Although the items are described as "male and female" it should not be seen as sexist. Like all systems, this is also symbolic in that it describes the fundamental qualities of the elements in terms readily understandable.
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